The Premier League
The Bank of Valletta Winter League
Exiles vs. M'Scala
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -04/12/2021 at Pixxina at 15:00
Sirens Mecca Marine vs. Exiles
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -08/12/2021 at Pixxina at 09:30am
Exiles vs. San Giljan Mercury Towers
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -18/12/2021 at Pixxina at 15:00
B'Bugia Freeport vs. Exiles
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -08/01/2022 at Pixxina at 17:10
Exiles vs. Sliema Frank Salt
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -15/01/2022 at Pixxina at 15:00
Neptunes vs. Exiles
The Bank of Valletta Winter League -22/01/2022 at Pixxina at 17:10
Under-16 League
Nursery League