Exiles retain top division status

On the 4th of September, Exiles, at their second match in the promotion pool best out of three matches, retained their top division status by beating First Division Champions Marsascala Mor€, 14-6.

(second playoff 04/09/2014)
(3-3, 0-3, 1-4, 2,4)

Better equipped collectively and having the more versatile players, Maurizio Mirarch’s team had little difficulty in beating their opponents after they had dismissed them 19-14 in the first encounter two days before, on Tuesday 02/09/2014.

In spite their clear cut victories over inferior opponents, the Sliema team will need to make a marked improvement if it intend to hold its place in the elite division; and come up with better results that those obtained this season.

Marsascala were at par with Exiles until the end of the first session. But after those opening eight minutes they were unable to keep up with their initial momentum.

The Expertise of Gergely Katonas and Luka Sekulic could not be matched by the southerners who were dismantled time and again on the fast breaks of the Exiles team as well on set plays.  The two Exiles foreign players netted a hat-trick each with two goals each coming from Peter Borg and Kayne Lanzon.

Sergi Mora was a thorn in Exiles side, he netted a hat-trick for Marsascala.

J.Cremona, JC Cutajar 1, S.Mora 3, C.Bonello, E.Meli, L.Grixti, K.Rizzo Naudi, J.Cremona 1, S.Micallef, C.Mifsud, D.Cassar, G.Marnitz 1, M.Pace.

I,Bugeja, J.Rizzo Naudi 1, S.Vassallo, D.Pace Lupi 1, G.Katonas 3, D.Borg 1, J.Spiteri Staines, K.Grixti 1, L.Sekulic 3, P.Borg 2, B.Lanzon, S.Galea Pace, K.Lanzon 2.


Photo: Adrian
Writeup: Mk


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