Paper Scan : Exiles Ferretti Vs San Giljan Sir Alex

Times of Malta : ”   San Giljan and Exiles were the protagonists off an exciting duel yesterday, with the Saints producing a last ditch comeback to win  17 -14  after having been three goals adrift almost midway into the last session. ”

” Exiles were full of fight …… the goal (15 – 14) had resulted from a contested decision which handed possession to the Saints ”

L – Orizzont ” San Giljan kellhom jithabtu mhux ftit biex ghelbu lil Exiles …Izda l Giljanizi inghataw qatgha Kbira mit – tim qalbieni ta’ Exiles”

The Malta Indpendent ” Saints pull the game out of the fire …….. The Saints were given a huge fright by their opponents across the water.”

In – Nazzjon ” San Giljan jibqghu b punti massimi wara rebha difficli”

6 goal Vojislav Cupic



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Message from the Club President


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